Thursday, November 13, 2008

Turkey time!

Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching: have you made plans to secure your turkey yet?? Well, if you are into local, organic turkey, I have just the place for you.

In Del Valle, a small family farm is located right down the street from yours truly. The Alexander Family Farm is raising two types of turkey this year: Broad Breasted White and Bourbon Red Turkeys. The Bourbons are heritage turkeys and primarily brown meat while the Broad Breasted Whites are...well, white! The price is a premium of $3.75/lb for the white and $5.00/lb for the red but sizes range from 10-20 lbs for the white and 6-14 lbs for the reds. Lest you think that these turkeys are not worth it, just look at them:

Happy, healthy, cage-free, only eating stuff from the ground, and very loud. They also think I have food or something else of turkey interest when I pass by them. If you are interested in reserving a turkey, drop me a line and I will forward the email that they sent me. It's worth it, I think. We ordered two turkeys last year and they were quite good. They come dressed and fresh (no feathers and cleaned/gutted) in a plastic bag from a big vat of bloody ice water.

If you are interested in the Alexander Family Farm, local foods, small farms, or just about anything about where your food comes from, you might enjoy this short documentary on the farm. We get most of our meat from them and pretty much all of our eggs. Their prices for eggs is about $.50 cheaper than buying the organic eggs at HEB. It really works out for us but I can see where, if you don't live down the road from them, it wouldn't work out for you. However, check out Local Harvest to locate your nearest local food source!

Pic of the day: my little turkey

1 comment:

tiny robot said...

Awww! That kid is too cute for school!