Friday, March 28, 2008

Yo Mommy!

I really like yogurt. I'm not going to say "love" because yogurt and I go in phases. I guess I get bored with it, then I "rediscover" it, then bored, etc. Well, it's back.

My new favorite yogurt is Yo Mommy from Stonyfield Farm Organic. I picked up this little gem because it was on sale. They also have Yo Baby and Yo Kids as well as non-themed yogurts.

The Yo Mommy meets all of my yogurt needs:
  • Visible chunks of fruit. I hate those "blended" yogurts. I want my fruit chunks!
  • Nice snack sized container.
  • Appealing taste.
  • Nice consistency.
The pack I bought has strawberry and peach. I must say I'm a sucker for all things peach (except for peach tea but that's for another post). The strawberry has better consistency and flavor. The peach isn't bad, just a little runny.

All in all, I say give Yo Mommy a try! You don't have to be a mommy or soon-to-be mommy to benefit from the folic acid and DHA* added in. If you don't like that, I bet the others are pretty good too. And good for you! *wink*

*Don't be creeped out by the DHA. It's listed in the ingredients as Fish Oil with the fish oils listed. Anchovies in yogurt?? There's a first for everything! There's no fish taste so don't worry.

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