Thursday, April 17, 2008

El Cheffo Del Toppo, Numero Cinq

The judges awarded Dale the win for his tailgating food effort of barbecued ribs. While I didn't want him to win, I have to remind myself, it's only a challenge win, not the overall she-bang. Those of you readers just joining us, I can't stand Dale. I think him pompous and silly, the kind of person I have a hard time tolerating on television. He actually apologized to Lisa for yelling at her after the previous challenge (which their team won, by the way) but he kept insisting that she was a negative person. Some apology. "Uhhh, I'm sorry I yelled at you, but I still think you're awful, Lisa..." Wow, were I Lisa, I would have ran my fingers through my disgusting hair then slapped Dale right across his smarmy little face.

I digress.

Loquacious Ryan got sent home for his inappropriate tailgating fare. He attempted to serve high-end cuisine to Bears fans. It's not that they didn't like it, they were just confused why he was serving a poached pears with creme fraƮche dessert at a tailgate party. I'm kinda sad to see him go -- he seemed like a nice guy. My 10 cents.

1 comment:

Booklahver said...

DAMMIT!! Ryan was the only cute guy!! And the only normal seeming one that wasn't a jackass, wore weird hats, and/or a fauxhawk. DAMMIT!
Go women! Now that there's no cute men to distract me** I can focus all of my efforts on you.

**I still don't have Bravo and only keep up with this through your blog and I really don't have any power. :(